Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The First Temptation of Amy

Not to be confused with the last temptation of Christ . . . I leave today for a fun filled weekend with my friends.  We're going to the PK Glitz retreat in Kentucky (that's a scrapbooking/card making "thang" for you non crafters).  We're going to have a blast!  But, for you non crafters, nothing goes better with crafting than eating; and the retreat organizers have already told us there will be snacks in the form of cookies and candy.

I am as prepared as I could be.  I have a bag full of healthy snacks in premeasured bags.  I have a bag full of honey crisp apples.  I have my travel fast food nutrition book (shout out to mom for that!  Love ya mom!).  I have my jug for water.

My hope is we have Internet access that will allow me to record my food before I eat it.  If not, I have paper!

Wish me luck!!!

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